
Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

tour of Mount Bromo in Probolinggo East Java

Mount Bromo is one tourist attraction that is very interesting to visit if you are going on holiday in Indonesia because it has a variety of landscapes that you will not find anywhere else in this world.
Mount Bromo area into the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is located in East Java province, adjacent to four districts namely Probolinggo district, lumajang districts, malang districts and Pasuruan regency. Mount Bromo has a height of 2392 meters above sea level, not as an active volcano that still others are mostly surrounded by a dense forest of Mount Bromo actually surrounded by a vast sea of ​​sand which has become an attraction for visitors.
Where is the location of Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo is located in the area of ​​Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is located in East Java province, adjacent to four districts namely Probolinggo district, lumajang districts, malang

districts and Pasuruan regency.

The best time to go to Mount Bromo is between the months of June to August where there is little rain but more travelers. August is also the month for festivals Kesada / Kesodo for Tengger people if you are interested.
How you can get there
You can fly to Juanda International Airport in Sidoarjo, from Juanda Airport you have to travel about as far as 70 km to arrive at Mount Bromo and the trip will take at least 4.5 hours because the traffic is pretty solid ground. For public transport you can take a bus or other transportation as well. 

Map of mountain bromo

why should to Mount Bromo
In this place you will find a lot of new experiences that can not be found elsewhere, such as the hospitality of its people and also an interesting tour combinations. 

Way through the Sand Sea to the crater of Mount Bromo

In this place if you come at the right time you will see one of the traditional ceremony which is called Kasada which was held by indigenous communities in the Mount Bromo Tengger tribe. in addition you can also enjoy the moments of sunrise at the top of Mount Bromo which will certainly be unforgettable memories. You can also enjoy the atmosphere of the countryside is still beautiful and cool tube.

For places to stay and eat affair you do not have to worry because many hotels and inns are located not too far from Mount Bromo. few tips for those of you bring a jacket and gloves because the air in the mountain cold enough for those not used.

You can do a variety of activities such as mountain climbing there in the morning, around the sea of ​​sand on horseback or ride vehicles like jeeps

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